Judgment Day


I feel like crying every time I feel very tired. So a tip to those who get a kick out of hurting people, I think I am most vulnerable when exhausted.

Anyway. I just got back from LB. Interviewed random people (bec two out of the ten houses I planned to  each have someone be interviewed apparently weren’t available – bad start), ‘snubbed’ by the barangay official, and facilitated a focus ‘group’ discussion which was attended by two people.

We, good friend and I, got to interview eight people including a guard (my dream interview of the day :p) though I had two problems – I wasn’t sure how many of the ten people I sent letters (for the FGD) to will be able to attend since only one confirmed and turned out I didn’t really book the Secretary’s Ofc which was supposed to be the venue for this FGD because apparently I had to talk to the Sec himself. Dah. I thought having the Brgy Captain suggest it as the venue means that everything’s settled. I didn’t really understand that I still had to talk to Sec.

Anyway. These two people who were kind enough to come to the supposed group discussion apparently (many surprises this day) are ‘well-educated’ people. If I’m not mistaken, both have worked at UP though Sir is retired while Ma’am is currently working for SWAPP (Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines) – and yes, upon hearing this I was even more starstruck-ed; I ‘facilitated’ a discussion ‘between’ two people who are just my kind of people. Ö 😀 Ha’ha! : ) What they were saying aren’t just ‘opinions’. They are sensible. Not that the answers of the participants for the interviews we conducted are non-sense. All I’m saying is that these two participants went beyond just answering the questions. They went as far as offering possible solutions and rooms for improvement. They gave an analysis of the policy implementation. They/We even discussed other cases of effective policies. *_* :”>

If I wasn’t just tired and lacking of sleep, I could’ve happy-hopped. I feel like it’s (this) still work. The process is exhausting and people could be very uncooperative and discouraging. Total strangers could break your heart. But when you (almost) see the results and when some people appreciate you and what you’re doing, it’s priceless.

The ‘work’ is very rewarding. When people appreciate your ‘work’, you feel like there’s still hope and you’ve been renewed.

Sir flattered me big time. He told me this could be a foundation or a start of a full-blown research – that I could pass it to the municipal hall and have them follow it up. He also said that he wonders how it could have been that UPLB has an envi institution and the DevComm (who made the IEC (Information, Education and Communication) campaign materials) yet it took someone from Diliman to do a study about this. Hoho. Cloud 9 alert. I wish I wasn’t dead tired at that time.

Now I don’t know again. Planning or the Envi thing? Shhhhhhyet. 75 Envi ö

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